The way to the Future
" Education is the most powerful weapon wich you can use to change the world" # NELSON MANDELA
I started my curriculum as any ordinary student would do , from primary school to middle school to high school then to college
as time goes by , i learned to adapt to its speed but never had a perpous that caught me to carry on.
what is time suppose to worth when you have nothing can relate to it .
only good memories remained on my path of preset learning , it felt like its the right choise back then
but i came to realise that i gained nothing but messing around , follow the crowd like a cow in the herd was i.
of course i felt safe and secure knowing that im not alone , will the herd be actually mistaken ?what could possibly go wrong when you are surrounded with people ?
the thing is , that we feel consent and safe when we follow , blind follow without judgment or criticism , if we pass we will do it together , if we fail and tripp we fall together , for instance the feeling that you get when your best friend has failed the exam as you , you literally feel happy , and how in the world failure makes us happy ? i mean you failed either way with or without your friend's failure .
the point is , the crowd is not always right , you have to know that this this educational regime is corrupted and we look at it as flawless.
the question that rises here is how inventors back in the golden age managed to obtain the captivity of their creativity .
we have books and scripts and handouts and sheets , all of them from the same source and thats once again we maid it unquestionable.
have you noticed that the books you re holding ...the program in it is just a manuel , YES they call it manuel , thats what it is .we are just like machines we produce things they need , how is that considered freedom ?
I m an engeneer , a doctor , a technician , does it really matter , when you know that you are nothing but somthing they need for the new world order .
what makes philosophy or literature or thinkers and writers have low income and average wages .the most sacred job in the world , the job of sophocles and socrates, has become a joke in their hands lost its value and replaced with stock market , some sort of materialistic concrete thing .then who is leading this nation ? the brains , the real leaders has quit guiding us because we choose money over them we chose Omission over permanent , we compare them to other jobs who makes more money , so they disregard us , leaving us with fake power and empty brains we seek for them as saviours.
money is just a sneeky fox in disguise in a heroic form , but real heros been killed by our greed , leaving us rotting like our evil seeds.
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